
Does anybody get on here anymore?

Hey everybody. I was just missing RVCS so I thought I would get on here and see if anyone posted anyting new. I didnt find anything, so I decided to post. So...whats going on with y'all? Hopefully somebody responds. That would be sad if you didnt...I might have to punch a hole in the wall like that one kid. Okay. Yeah. That's all. RVCS ROCKS!!!


Hi :)

I just wanted to say hi to everyone in the blog. (Just incase you decided to randomly go on the blog like I just did.) I will miss everybody so so so much! I wish we didn't have to leave Charter. Make sure to come to the reunion :D LOVE YOU ALL! -Emma


So Mrs. Lenz suggested that we draw pictures for the Hunger Games... and me, being the art lover that I am, had actually made one BEFORE she said we should do that. The first picture is the one that I made first, while I was still in the process of reading The Hunger Games. That picture was to illustrate when everyone payed their respects to Katniss for taking her sister's place in The Games. They all put three fingers to their lips and put them out to her. The picture is of one of the audience members doing that gesture. Although, the picture is backwards because of the camera on my computer. It says "Respect for Katniss" on the side.

The second picture is one that I just randomly started drawing because I was inspired to try a new medium (using a marker instead of shading with pencil). So I just started to draw this girl, and I found that it was looking like my image of Katniss, so I just continued making the picture thinking of it as Katniss, and wrote "Katniss Everdeen <3" on the blank space :)

Hopefully we can actually scan these pictures in so my face won't be in it and they won't be backwards... don't I look all pissy in the second one? Or maybe like I'm weirded out by something... or just trying to look cool. Nah, I'm not trying. IM DOING IT! I don't have to try... lol jk :) tell me how your vision of Katniss or that gesture is different then mine please :) THANK YOU!!!!! -Emma (god this is a really LONG thing...


It reminds me of "The Lottery"

There is a short story written by Shirley Jackson.   Here's a link:  "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson  When Kaylee wrote about Graceling it made me think about other things I have read that remind me of The Hunger Games for some reason  or another. I guess setting has a lot to do with it.  And government control (or some other control) of people. Read The Lottery and tell me what you think.

The Hunger Games constantly makes me think about people being passive.  What is the deal with the Games?  Why don't the districts fight against the Capitol?  Does this in any way remind you of the world now?  Suzanne Collins writes about Panem being the former North America. 

I was re-reading (again) and found a great quote:


I just finished a book called Graceling. The main character would most definitely win the Games. If you liked Hunger Games, you should read this book because it is AMAZING!! Very different. The main character's name is Katsa, which I have to laugh at because its so close, and the books are close too......I dunno, just thought some of ya'll might be interested.


Have an amazing long weekend!
Ms. L


Who's your favorite character? Why?

hello people! i was just wondering who everyone's favorite character was! Personally, mine is Katniss, but it seems like that's not everyone's favorite character! So who is? and why? I like Katniss because she is very strong and knows how to take care of herself, but still has some inner conflicts. TELL ME WHO YOU LIKE BESTEST! :D (also GALE OR PEETA? im indecisive, and i haven't finished the other books yet) -Emma

My opinion on Katniss Everdeen~~

As much as I liked reading the Hunger Games, throughout the series I couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed with Katniss. I mean, it seems to me like she just goes with the flow of everything and whenever shes trying to be portrayed as good and self-less, to me it just made her seem phony and self hating.
Her character is really frustrating at times, and I didn't find her that independent.
 And whenever shes taking action she never really breaks out of what people expect from her. Like even when she was trying to be "defiant" in the executions she still did what the president influenced her to do. -_-

Just my opinion! o_o;     -Salome

This guy looks like Peeta in my mind because of the fire he's holding. This reminds me of how he made bread back in District 12.

Kiss My Toe~



OMG!!! I'm sorry if I am ruining this for anyone, but I WAS SO SAD WHEN RUE DIED!!! Katniss spent one day with her, but they were like, BEST FRIENDS!!!! :'( I really wish that Rue could have just lived one more day...I knew she couldn't win, but at least one more day would have been fine, right? Whatever...I'm just really upset about that.

- Tati


Ugh. Sorry, but I feel the need to rant about Katniss.

Um, so a few of you might now I dislike Katniss.
Like, a lot.  I mean, I get it. She has to stay alive, but does she have to be so... her? Something about her just irks me. She's not the only character/situation I get nit-picky about; I just can't stand her so much more than all the other people. But I really think the story would be interesting from the point of view from another character. I totally respect Miz Collin's books and all, it's just Katniss I don't like.
- The ever-so-lovable Sadie


Okay. So, I'm reading the book a second time just to make sure that I won't post anything from the second book. I realized there are so many small details that I overlooked the first time around that make up all of their personalities and add to the events of the story. It's kinda funny how that happens. I mean, it's not critical to know those little facts, but it sure is cool to go back and think 'Hey that ties in later in the story when Katniss is..blah..blah..Hunger Gaming.'


Names and Meanings

Peeta: bread, baker
Gale" wind, strong silent, free does what he wants
Katniss: plant



Hey bloggers!!! On Friday April 8th, w are meeting in Rm. 20 for a pizza lunch with Mrs. Lenz to discuss the blog!!!! Don't forget!



Great Song For The Hunger Games

P.S Sorry about the video not working. Here is the link to the song: www.youtube.com/embed/8P5jB_TScJo

All the lyrics work well.

 - Tati

A Fan's Casting!

This is a casting from one of the Hunger Games fans. I personally love their choices. Check it out! - Tati


This song should be in the movie!

I thought it would work well for while Katniss is in the Hunger Games, thinking about how messed up everything is.


What do you think of Peeta?

I know that Katniss is trying not to think of Peeta as being good. She thinks he is just trying to win, and that he will kill her if he has to. I don't think he is that cold-hearted. Peeta has shown so many good qualities, and with his past history with Katniss, I can only see him as a kind-hearted person. From what I've gathered from the book so far, Katniss is lying to herself, so she won't feel badly if he is killed, or if she has to kill him herself. But then, that might just be me. What do you think of him? -Emma

I also think Katniss is lying to herself, but Peeta may be hiding more than you could think. He was working with the Careers. He might be trying to trick her. You never know with Peeta. He seems kind of cut off from Katniss. - Tati


The Hunger Games movie: What do you think?


Do you think this choice is good?  Why or why not?  Do you think the movie will be as good as the book?  What do you think they will change or keep the same?  Some friends of mine are worried that they might choose actors based on looks alone?  Ms. L


Katniss Is Chosen!

Well, technically, it was Prim who was chosen. But Katniss decided to take her place. In my eyes, this wasn't smart, but it was necessary. Prim would not survive for one minute in the Games. But the question is will Katniss survive? Those games are rough, and only one person is left standing. Let's hope that person is Katniss!

I agree with you, that Prim would not survive.  Her character is so feeble compared to Katniss.  It's like you just knew it was going to happen.  Ms L

Well, I wouldn't call it feeble. She just isn't as experienced as Katniss. Prim was very brave when she stepped up without saying a word. Feeble just isn't the right word. - Tati

Good point.  I am an older sister.  I think I would do the same thing.  Even if i wasn't stronger, I am more experienced.  Mostly I would do it because I would not want to see anything happen to my family, especially at that age.  Having your sister really be a child compared to you as a teen/young adult is a big difference.  It would be insane.  
I don't know if people would stand for something like this.  Do you think it could really happen that there would be so much control by the government and people would go along with it?  I mean, how could people get to this point?  Ms L

That government is completely unbalanced. I don't know what happened to America to become Panem in that story, but it is terrible. Almost all of the districts, especially District 12, are underfed and not well cared for. There needs to be equality there! They need to bring back the United States and get rid of the worst government ever. Panem. -Tati


Miz L shout out!

Welcome lovers of The Hunger Games.  I am excited to share this experience with you.  That being said, remember this blog is for US!  Any ideas, changes, pictures, please feel free to shape this how you want.  Once someone has added something, we should respectfully leave it as a creative contribution to our shared blog.  Let's have a conversation here where we can read, post, question, answer, and look at The Hunger Games as a way to look at ourselves and our world.  Let's be critical about what we are reading and communicate about the things we think about this book and be authentic to our own feelings.  No judgments; friendly, respectful communication required.  This does not mean we always have to agree, but it does mean we need to think about how we respond to others. Get ready to really let it out!! And THANKS for being a part of our blog.