
My opinion on Katniss Everdeen~~

As much as I liked reading the Hunger Games, throughout the series I couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed with Katniss. I mean, it seems to me like she just goes with the flow of everything and whenever shes trying to be portrayed as good and self-less, to me it just made her seem phony and self hating.
Her character is really frustrating at times, and I didn't find her that independent.
 And whenever shes taking action she never really breaks out of what people expect from her. Like even when she was trying to be "defiant" in the executions she still did what the president influenced her to do. -_-

Just my opinion! o_o;     -Salome


  1. sorry salome but i like Katniss! you should talk to sadie, you both seem to dislike her lol -Emma

  2. YAY SALOME. Katniss haters unite! 8D
    - Sadie
