
So Mrs. Lenz suggested that we draw pictures for the Hunger Games... and me, being the art lover that I am, had actually made one BEFORE she said we should do that. The first picture is the one that I made first, while I was still in the process of reading The Hunger Games. That picture was to illustrate when everyone payed their respects to Katniss for taking her sister's place in The Games. They all put three fingers to their lips and put them out to her. The picture is of one of the audience members doing that gesture. Although, the picture is backwards because of the camera on my computer. It says "Respect for Katniss" on the side.

The second picture is one that I just randomly started drawing because I was inspired to try a new medium (using a marker instead of shading with pencil). So I just started to draw this girl, and I found that it was looking like my image of Katniss, so I just continued making the picture thinking of it as Katniss, and wrote "Katniss Everdeen <3" on the blank space :)

Hopefully we can actually scan these pictures in so my face won't be in it and they won't be backwards... don't I look all pissy in the second one? Or maybe like I'm weirded out by something... or just trying to look cool. Nah, I'm not trying. IM DOING IT! I don't have to try... lol jk :) tell me how your vision of Katniss or that gesture is different then mine please :) THANK YOU!!!!! -Emma (god this is a really LONG thing...


It reminds me of "The Lottery"

There is a short story written by Shirley Jackson.   Here's a link:  "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson  When Kaylee wrote about Graceling it made me think about other things I have read that remind me of The Hunger Games for some reason  or another. I guess setting has a lot to do with it.  And government control (or some other control) of people. Read The Lottery and tell me what you think.

The Hunger Games constantly makes me think about people being passive.  What is the deal with the Games?  Why don't the districts fight against the Capitol?  Does this in any way remind you of the world now?  Suzanne Collins writes about Panem being the former North America. 

I was re-reading (again) and found a great quote: